Guardian Mission Statement

La información presentada en este Glosario de Ascensión refleja la perspectiva de la Alianza de Guardianes sobre las Líneas de Tiempo de Ascensión (2012 y más allá) con la intención de ayudar, tanto energéticamente como educacionalmente, a las Familias Galácticas de la Humanidad. Esta Familia Espiritual ha aceptado el rol de Guardianes para ayudar la fundación de Ciudadanía Cósmica a través de la Consciencia Unida, como modelo evolucionario para este planeta y la humanidad, la cual es ayuda terrestre diseñada para este grupo específicamente. No hay diferencia absoluta en el valor dado a los roles que cada ser ha escogido para su expresión. La directiva de la misión de los Grupos Guardianes es la rehabilitación del holograma, reparando la arquitectura energética (ADN), encarnando la Protoforma del Humano Ascendido, suministrando contexto informacional sobre las dinámicas de Ascensión y agendas exopolíticas extraterrestres, y reeducando a tanto humanos como no-humanos a alinearse de manera congruente a la Ley de Unidad. Libertad, fraternidad, y el derecho soberano de todos los seres a conocer la Fuente de Dios es protegida por el Juramento de Unidad Colectivo compartido entre los Grupos Guardianes Universales.

God-Sovereign-Free (GSF)

Libertád de Información

Nosotros creemos en el apoyo a la Libertád de Información y que la cual sea disponible al público para informarse, educarse, y mantenerse al tanto de los cambios y movimientos impactando a nuestro planeta, en orden para poder tomar decisiones informadas a través del acceso líbre a este material de la Ascensión basado sobre los principios de la Ley de Unidad. Este cuerpo de material sobre la Ascensión esta diseñado para apoyar el desarroyo de alto nivel de la consiencia personal y planetaria para dar progreso a un modelo evolucionario de Derechos Humanos, benevolencia y compasión hacia toda la humanidad, como sistema de valores de un Humanismo Mundial.

Where Did this Information Come From?

  • 1999 - Ongoing Contact began with various Interdimensional Intelligences reverse engineer to source timeline damage and repair,
  • May 2001 completed Sirius B Walk In, begin training with Guardian Host.
  • Embody Sovereign Ascension Timeline for Planet through recoding planetary brain into Trinitized Geometry (Trinity Wave formats),
  • Interdimensional Free Worlds Krystic Advisory Teams build organic GSF Hieros Gamos DNA architectural code for Earth, genetically synthesize for multiple planetary inhabitants and Universal systems.

Guardian Guidelines

  • All Content is intended with the Empowerment of the individual first based on the Law of One practices and for personal Discernment only. Take in only what Resonates and discard the rest.
  • Send all etheric visitors and debris to the Transit Gate/Shadow Vortex.
  • Stretch, yawn, exhale, move your body if you need to, clearings and shifts may occur.
  • Stay hydrated sipping water, take care of yourself.
  • Watch for Analysis Paralysis, stay mentally relaxed, observe, heart presence in the now moment.
  • Be Open, Willing, Accepting, Expansive.

Assessing Trustworthiness

Dear Ascension Community,

It has been clear that the spiritual and consciousness communities are extremely challenged with confusion derived from the variety of unchecked and uncleared Negative Ego behaviors when “spiritual” people are speaking in “new age” terms and concepts. These Negative Ego behaviors are usually entwined with low ethical conduct which damages building trust between people in order to communicate transparently and honestly about a variety of topics. This is not a subject that can be addressed lightly and requires deep reflective thought, as well, as a commitment to hold accountability to circumstances and the GSF Behaviors that each of us choose to demonstrate every day. Trust is everything. Without comprehending the necessity of building trust and consistent trustworthy behaviors, the entire foundation of Ascension community structure will crumble and those of the group that contribute a great amount of time and energy to help create spiritual community, will cease to do so. It is important to understand the “divide and conquer” agendas that operate in unconscious ways that will attack spiritual groups, spiritual communities or compromise relationships that are building trust - as a direct strategy of destroying any kind of group cohesion or organization.

This is why I have spent a lot of time discussing components of Trust, Building Trust, and how to recognize behaviors and communications that allow trust and the attribute of “trustworthiness” to be modeled and cultivated within spiritual ascension and related communities, to emphasize our personal responsibility in those interactions. ~Lisa Renee, GSF Steward [1]


See Also:

Trust, Building Trust

Where Can I Start?